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Shabbat Parashat Acharei Mot Kedoshim 5783

Parashat Hashavua: Paying on Time = Sanctity

Harav Yosef Carmel

The name of our second parasha, Kedoshim (meaning, sacred), connects many of the mitzvot therein with a common dominator. The Torah teaches its adherents to live in sanctity – it mandates one to have holy thoughts, to be careful about what he looks at, be modest in behavior and attire, guard his tongue, as well as be careful regarding the kashrut of food.

In the last decades, Israeli citizens have reached high levels of standard of living. Our gross national income is in the top 20 places in the world. However, the distribution of this wealth lacks equality, as parts of society are unable to take part in the “party.” Some of those who struggle financially choose to give up on wealth, and this includes the world of full-time Torah learners. Those who choose to dedicate their lives to growth in Torah, and thereby contribute to society, are idealists who do not give in to material pressures. We believe they deserve great praise, especially if they take part in army service, as is practiced in Eretz Hemdah.

The Torah world deals with the challenge of financial survival on a monthly basis. Unfortunately, budget cuts often fall specifically on the weaker parts of society, including educators of Torah. Many ramim in Yeshivot Hesder and other Zionistic institutions receive very low salaries; some are paid only as part-time teachers; some do not even get the social benefits they deserve. Because of difficulties, some do not get paid on time, which, according to our parasha, is an affront to the obligation to “be holy.” The Torah commands: “Do not cheat your counterpart and do not steal; do not have your worker’s salary with you overnight” (Vayikra 19:13). Rashi understands, based on context, that cheating refers to not paying a deserved salary.

Chazal were very strict about this prohibition, and derived that by withholding pay, one can violate five prohibitions. Rashi adds that our parasha’s treatment of the topic refers to workers who are not poor, whereas the parallel one in Sefer Devarim (24:14-15) adds another prohibition of withholding payment when the worker is poor.

The Zohar describes the impropriety in not paying a worker in spiritual terms: It is like taking the spirit of the worker and his family. As a result, Hashem will shorten the life of the employer and take from his place in the World to Come. It tells of Rav Hamnuna, who would present pay to his workers right after they finished their work, while saying “Take your spirit.” Even if the worker told him to hold the money in the meantime, he would refuse. He would say that just as he was not willing to be a master over their bodies, he was not willing to be a master over their spirits. That is only for Hashem to do.

We see that payment of wages is a spiritual requirement. Just as a school feels a spiritual need to be careful about the kashrut of the food it provides for its students and have them be careful about modesty in behavior and dress, a yeshiva should be careful to pay promptly all its workers, whether they be teachers, administrators, or kitchen and maintenance workers. We pray that Torah institutions will be role models in this important area. This is part of “You shall be holy.” We also believe this is a contributing factor for the institution’s financial success.

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Rav Shlomo Merzel z”l
Iyar 10, 5771

 Reuven & Chaya Leah Aberman z"l
Tishrei 9
 ,5776 / Tishrei 20, 5782


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Sivan 17 / Av 20


Mr. Moshe Wasserzug z"l

Tishrei 20 ,5781


R' Eliyahu Carmel z"l

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Iyar 8 ,5776


Mrs. Sara Wengrowsky

bat R Moshe Zev a”h.

Tamuz 10 ,5774


Rav Asher & Susan Wasserteil z"l
Kislev 9 / Elul 5780


R' Meir ben

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Tevet 16 ,5780


R 'Yaakov ben Abraham & Aisha


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Sebbag, z"l


Rav Yisrael Rozen z"l
Cheshvan 13, 5778


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Tamuz 23, 5777


R' Abraham & Gita Klein z"l

Iyar 18,  /5779Av 4


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Tammuz 19, 5778


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Adar 28, 5781


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Adar II 17, 5782


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Adar II 18, 5782


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Nisan 27, 5782


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Tevet 16 5783/ Iyar 8, 5781


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Adar II 6

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