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Scratching Improperly Parked Cars

When I ride my bicycle, I often come across illegally parked cars that make it challenging to get through. While I am careful, I might accidentally scratch a car. Would I be responsible to pay damages if I did?

Anonymous Return of Stolen Money

Some time back, I stole $15,000 from my father, and now I feel terrible about it and want to return it. However, I am embarrassed and afraid to return the money to his face because he may never forgive me. Is it okay to find a way to return the money without him knowing what happened? (I do not think he knows the money was stolen.)

Not Taking Vacation Time on Chol Hamo’ed

I usually take off from work for Chol Hamo’ed, but this year, since I will not have any vacation hours left, I will probably have to work. (My employer is not Jewish, and my job is not mitzva related.) Since I get paid hourly, may I get paid for the work I will have to do?

Taking a Different Object than Lost

I think I lost “air pods” on an Israeli bus, so I went to their lost and found to try to find them. They showed me a stash of dozens of them, but I did not find mine. They offered me to take an equivalent set, which is their policy because there are enough to go around for everyone who lost and comes for them. May I take someone else’s lost air pods?

Owning Guns

I am interested in purchasing firearms for personal protection, particularly within the context of today’s American “social climate,” with increased anti-Semitism. What is the Torah’s perspective on owning guns? I would appreciate if you could relate to Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 427:7-8 and 409:3 about having around dangerous things and animals?

Watching a Bar Mitzva Videoed on Shabbat

My non-Orthodox relative wants me to watch the video of their bar mitzva (not a given they would make one), taken on Shabbat. My relationship with the family is very important to me (notably, I am a ba’al teshuva), and my refusal could insult them. What should I do?

Paying for Unscheduled Entertainment

: I witnessed the following scenario years ago and have wondered about the halacha. During a wedding, a talented entertainer dressed in full costume with remote-controlled dancing puppets burst onto the dance floor. He gave a performance, which the guests thoroughly enjoyed, for 10 minutes. Each set of parents assumed the other had arranged and paid for the surprise or that it was a guest in disguise. After it was over, the entertainer approached the mechutanim and demanded payment. One of the sides paid, breaking their budget. Did they have to pay? What can we learn from the answer about other cases?

Netilat Yadayim from a Chipped Cup

I have a cup for netilat yadayim that has a few small chips on the top of the cup. Is it kosher for that purpose?

Purim Meshulash

Could you please review some of the rules and rationale of the practices of Purim Meshulash (Triple Purim) in Yerushalayim? [This is a re-edited repeat from decades ago.]

Indirect Responsibility for Theft

[Two people with a disagreement asked us the halacha in the following case, hoping to resolve the matter without litigation.] Reuven hired a painter (=pnt) for his apartment while he was away. After the work was done, Shimon, his neighbor, was broken into, and both suspect that pnt either did the robbery or tipped off the thieves where Shimon kept his valuables. If this indeed happened and Reuven was unaware that pnt was a criminal and Shimon saw pnt and did not complain, must Reuven compensate Shimon?
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