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Shabbat Parashat Mishpatim 5784

Mishpatim | 1 Adar I 5784 | 10/02/2024

P'ninat Mishpat: Should the Will be Updated? – part II

Reuven and the defendant (=def) were married in a second marriage for each. Reuven wrote a will, leaving his main possession, a large, commercially used building, exclusively to def, and not to his children (=pl). Pl claim that in the year before his death, Reuven expressed several times to pl (sometimes in def’s presence) that he wanted them to receive significant portions of the inheritance. After operating the business for a few years, as Reuven wanted, def sold it for 1.6 mil. NIS, (claiming she kept it going as long as she could). [We saw that there were not grounds to invalidate Reuven’s will. Part II deals with def’s commitment to give some of the sale’s proceeds to pl]. Pl demand 60% of the sale’s proceeds, as def promised them several times after Reuven’s death, as she mentioned in WhatsApp messages. Def admits making the commitment, albeit without a formal document or act of kinyan. She claims that it is only for the following reasons that she refuses to keep her word. First, she thought she would be able to sell the property for housing, which would have brought in much more money; she needs the entire amount she received for her own support. Also, since making those assurances, she invested a lot of time and money into the property, due to which she deserves full proceeds. Finally, pl have asked their share from the gross sales price as opposed to her net returns (deductions include taxes and agent’s and lawyer’s fees).


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A weekly divrei Torah leaflet: A Glimpse at the Parasha, Ask the Rabbi, From the writings of Harav Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen Kook, zt”l, Pninat Mishpat (Jewish Monetary Law).

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