Hebrew | Francais



In the year 5747 (1987), Eretz Hemdah was established to prepare judges and spiritual leaders for the national-religious community in Israel and abroad. There was a need for leaders who combined great Torah expertise together with a strong Zionistic background, a combination which was not easily found in the country at that time.

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Rosh Hashana Newsletter 5785

Friday Beit Midrash of Eretz Hemdah will be at "Machon Meir" Rechov Shderot Hameiri 2-4 Jersusalem

Ein Ayah List

Over twelve + years, we used the forum of Hemdat Yamim to translate into English and share one of Rav Kook's important sefarim, Ein Ayah, Rav Kook's commentary to the agadot of Shas. (Our mentor, Rav Shaul Yisraeli, was a close disciple of Rav Kook).

In order to make the content of the sefer accessible to the English-speaking community, we have put together the many hundreds of translated passages into an orderly index with links to the translations.



Yom Iyun in memory of Harav Shaul Yisraeli zt"l on Shmitta Laws

The public is invited to a Yom Iyun in Hebrew on Shmitta Laws

with emphasis on the social aspect

marking the 26th Yahrzeit of Harav Shaul Yisraeli zt"l.



Living the Halachic Process I - VI

A selection of answers to questions from our Ask the Rabbi project in English.
A companion CD containing source sheets is also available.

Shut Bemareh Habazak, Volumes 1 - 10

Answers to questions from Diaspora rabbis. The questions give expression to the unique situation that Jewish communities around the world are presently undergoing. The answers deal with a developing modern world in the way of “deracheha, darchei noam”. The books deal with the four sections of the Shulchan Aruch, while aiming to also take into consideration the “fifth section” which makes the Torah a “Torah of life”.
Service of Halachic advice for rabbis and dayanim of communities around the world.

Eretz Hemdah's shiurim in English via Zoom

COVID-19 and Danger - a halakhic perspective

Dayanut Program for Rabbis in North America

leading to semicha

Yadin-Yadin for the Diaspora


The Montefiore Endowment, in association with Eretz Hemdah and the RCA, is reopening its Dayanut program for applications from rabbis in North America.  It is a part-time course, lasting for five-six years, and is intended for well-qualified rabbis jointly selected by these institutions on the topics of Marriage (Ishut and Kiddushin), Divorce (Gittin) and Conversions (Giyur).


Manhigut Toranit


Ask The Rabbi

Do not hesitate to ask any question about Jewish life, Jewish tradition or Jewish law!

Online Beit Midrash

You are invited to enjoy our online beit midrash and library.
(please note that most of the books and shiurim are in Hebrew)


An honest, competent, sensitive Monetary Beit Din by Eretz Hemdah
Zion shall be redeemed with judgement and those that retum to her with righteousness...


The Eretz Hemdah family wishes great success to the alumni and their wives upon their new appointments to prestigious Torah positions.

Rav Benaya Kaniel – Rosh Yeshiva at Pisgat Ze'ev.

Rav Yosef Sorani – Rav of Moshav Nov and Ram at Yeshivat HaGolan in Hispin.

Rav Gilad Mintz – Ram at the hesder yeshiva Yeruham.

Rav Ezra Pachino – Rav of Leshem.

Rav Yedidya Yaakov Levy – Rav of Dolev and Rosh Kollel of the Shimon and Esther Kollel in Efrat.

Rav Avichai Goodman – Rav of Bnei Akiva in London.

Rav Shmuel Millunchick – Rav of the Belmont community in London and in charge of developing courses for avreichim and their wives at the Eretz Hemdah program with the Montefiore Endowment program in the city.

Rav Yehuda Fliesser – Ram at Yeshivat Darkei Noam, Petach Tikvah.

Rav Ariel Cohen – Secretary of the rabbinical court of Tel Aviv.

Rav Shlomi Steinmetz – Ram at Yeshivat Mekor Haim, Kfar Etzion.

Rav Adiel Assayag – Rosh Yeshivat Hame'iri, Jerusalem.

Rav Betzalel Daniel – Rav of the Tamar neighborhood in Efrat.

Rav Ben-Zion Shor – Ram at Yeshivat Or Chaim, a Bnei Akiva yeshiva in Toronto.

Eretz Hemdah's News

Rosh Hashana 5783 Newsletter

We invite you to listen to Rav Carmel's shiur on the topic:

From Titus of Rome to Balfour of Britain: 100 Years Since a Declaration of Biblical Proportions


Videos on Eretz Hemdah’s website

Residents of K’far Ha’Roeh speak of Rav Israeli

To contact the network of Batei Din “Eretz Hemdah – Gazit”

please call 077-2158215

60 Seconds

Give us 60 seconds, we'll give you the Parasha!
Listen to a one minute idea
in Hebrew on this weeks
parasha. Updated daily!


Hemdat Yamim

A weekly divrei Torah leaflet: A Glimpse at the Parasha, Ask the Rabbi, From the writings of Harav Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen Kook, zt”l, Pninat Mishpat (Jewish Monetary Law).

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Dedicated to the memory of Cantor Shaye & Mrs. Minerva Pinsky O.B.M.
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