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Shabbat Parashat Acharei Mot Kedoshim 5783

Igrot Hare’aya – Letters of Rav Kook: Joining Forces in Yafo Schools – #147

Date and Place: 17 Tammuz 5668 (1908), Yafo

 Recipient: The Mizrachi Organization, Western Bureau, who were in the process of establishing a school in Yafo.  

Body: I must let you know that here in Yafo there is already a school, Tachkemoni, whose goals fit what you desire. They connect Torah with [secular] knowledge, along with proficiency in the Hebrew language, which is the language of instruction. It was established according to the desire of people who are loyal to traditional Judaism, so that it will satisfy all who fear Hashem and His word. It is just that because of a weak physical infrastructure, it has been unable to develop to the degree that our brothers are satisfied with.

That school’s administration has approached me with their desire to unify their operation with yours. We can trust them, as they fear Hashem and desire education based on sacred purity, teaching Torah and knowledge, and a proper preparation for life, filled with love of the nation, the Land, and the nation’s reawakening. Therefore, educational philosophy should not separate you.

Therefore, I recommend their serious offer to unify the efforts, whereby the first classes that you have agreed to found will join with those which Tachkemoni has already opened, and it will be called “The Mizrachi School.” If you like this idea, the benefits will come quickly. Things will develop in quantity and high quality, in a way that can make it a role model in the Holy Land and an honor for its community. Your agreement will solve your problem of a venue in an excellent manner, by joining Tachkemoni’s home. I await your distinguished response. 

Advice for Rabbinical Candidate of Ekron – #148 

Date and Place: 4 Tammuz 5668 (1908), Yafo  

Recipient: Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Dzimitrovsky. He became the rabbi of Ekron (which became Mazkeret Batya) from 1908-1912. 

Body: I received your letter and am ready to help you in your desire to become the rabbi of Ekron. I rely on Hashem’s Name that He will help us carry out the matter with proper dignity for the sake of His holy Torah.

It is worthwhile for you to bring letters of approbation from the great rabbis of Jerusalem, if possible including the great Rav Shmuel Salant. In any case, they should include important, well-known rabbis.

It is particularly important from the outset that you have a proper promise from the yeshiva and organization of “Shomrei Torah” regarding a salary. Our friend, Rabbi Zerach Braverman (the director of Shomrei Torah), is willing to get involved in this important matter. I leave it to our dear friend, Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank, to give good advice and help. Between the two of you, there will be success.

If you want to wait for two weeks in Yerushalayim, maybe I will be in Ekron before you come, to fortify the efforts, and then you can come yourself. But you can also come this week, [and I will still try to help].

You should prepare some nice aggadic ideas to use in public speaking. You should also be cognizant of the Land-based mitzvot, especially mixed-breeding and tithes, about which you may be asked. Hashem shall lead you on a straight path for His Name and strengthen your heart so that you act with the stature that will bring pride to the Torah and make it beloved to people. This is the foundation of the greatest mitzva – sanctifying Hashem’s Name.  

In conclusion, I must explicitly stipulate that I accept no responsibility for this process’s results. If, Heaven forbid (I hope it will not occur), there will an impediment, there should not be complaints, on a moral level or for expenses. My intentions involve only the continued existence of the Torah and your welfare, as I find you a G-d-fearing Torah scholar.


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