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Shabbat Sukkot 5784

Parashat Hashavua: All Citizens in Israel

Harav Shaul Yisraeli – from V’samachta B’chagecha, p. 6

 “Every citizen (ezrach) in Israel shall dwell in sukkot” (Vayikra 23:42) – the Zohar comments that the commandment is for those who are connected to Hashem’s secret and those who are from the offspring or root of Israel.

There are countries that grant citizenship to those who live in the land on a permanent basis for two years, and some have stricter qualifications. To qualify for Israelite citizenship, one does not need to live on a permanent basis; we prefer those who live on a temporary basis! The true ezrach is one who leaves his permanent dwelling and goes to live in a temporary dwelling – the sukka (see Sukka 2a).

The Torah describes Sukkot as the holiday of the time of the harvest (see Chagiga 18a). At this time, farmers stop working in the fields and go to enjoy their homes with some permanence. The mitzva of sukka comes to ensure that they do not get caught up in their successes, as their house becomes a temporary one through which one can still see the stars and feel the presence of the heavens. When the holiday is over and people return to their homes, they give less credence to reliance on their own abilities. This is when we can say that one is happy with the holiday along with his children, servants and the area’s levi’im, converts, orphans and widows (see Devarim 16:14). That is because one who thinks he alone is responsible for his success has more trouble sharing with others. When he gives, it is without the proper feeling of brotherhood. True Jewish citizenship is when one gives with happiness to his counterpart; this is what is accomplished by sitting in the sukka.

Foreigners did not receive this secret. Other nations believe in building and attributing it to their abilities. They live in permanent houses, which they built for themselves, and they build metal fences around their properties. They call out with boastfulness that everything is theirs; they protect their own and try to obtain that which is not theirs.

A sukka is a synonym of peace. The sukka’s inhabitant knows how to celebrate Hashem’s blessing, whether it is impressive or not, and shares the small amount of bread he has. This is not the lot of one who lives in a spacious house and does not know how to share with others but desires more and more. He does not know of peace but of inspiring jealousy. Knowing how to live in the sukka in times of peace teaches Israel to appreciate peace in times of war. While the big houses and fortresses are destroyed despite their defenses, the flimsy sukkot survive.

These lessons are true in relation to actual sukkot and also sukkot of the divine clouds (see Sukka 11b). Chazal teach that one who sits in a sukka in this world will merit to sit in the sukka of the leviathan in the world to come (Bava Batra 75a). Frequently, frightening beasts attack nations, and think they will vanquish forever. We are promised that by living in the sukka, we will ultimately see the downfall of the powerful and receive reward for our trust in Hashem.   

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