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Shabbat Parashat Vaeira 5784

Parashat Hashavua: The Hard Way is the Way to Learn Torah

Harav Shaul Yisraeli – from Siach Shaul pp. 190-2

Our parasha opens in the midst of an idea, as Moshe had complained about the difficulties Bnei Yisrael experienced since Moshe’s attempts toward liberation began. Moshe was disappointed and was in as much pain as the Jewish taskmasters who were beaten by the Egyptians. He was also pained by the people’s misconception that the first troubles with the liberation process meant that Moshe and Aharon had betrayed them.

On the other hand, Hashem’s explanation (beginning, “I am Hashem”) is difficult to understand. If He is beginning to introduce Himself with the Name of Mercy, why would things be getting harder for the long-suffering nation? Is He incapable (obviously not) of carrying out the liberation, which was full of miracles, without so much pain!?

It must be that the divine plan required that the people experience the suffering. This was part of the lesson Bnei Yisrael needed to acquire.

The midrash comments on the pasuk (Kohelet 2:9): “Af (in context, seems to mean – even) my wisdom stood up for me” that the Torah (wisdom) I learned with af (a second meaning, intended in this context – great difficulty) is that which helped me. Some recommend learning Torah through games. This (fun and games) is not the way to acquire Torah! Part of the Torah that Hashem wanted to teach was through the situation of pain and relief from the subjugation by and the liberation from Egypt, as the Torah says, “So that you will tell to the ears of your son and grandson” (Shemot 10:2). These events, which are a pillar of the Torah, could only be acquired through the torment people experienced. “Fortunate is he to whom Hashem causes pain; from His Torah, He will teach him” (Tehillim 94:12).

The heart of the matter is that laudable Torah study requires a person’s inexhaustible effort to acquire Torah knowledge, in all settings and circumstances. Effort is important for all mitzvot. We have a concept that it is better to walk longer to do a mitzva than to walk shorter. Even if one can pray well in a nearby shul, it is better to go to an equivalent shul further away.

Judaism does not discourage people from enjoying the world. Rather, Hashem wants us to put our resolve in to a life in which one’s enjoyment is in the spiritual realm. One cannot succeed in focusing equally on spiritual and physical pleasure. One who sees the pleasures of the world as an ends of its own cannot acquire greatness in the world of Torah.

Moshe had to be taught this. Rashi (to Shemot 6:13) posits that Hashem commanded Moshe and Aharon to feel the pain of the people. Leadership in Israel is not a “bed of roses.” Moshe and Aharon had to be ready to stand up to the protests of a variety of Jews with a variety of complaints. They would have to remain true to their principles even when this caused difficulties.

Only when Bnei Yisrael were able to get through their struggles and Moshe was willing to put up with each of the members of his “flock,” did they merit experiencing the great events of the Exodus, the splitting of the Sea, and the giving of the Torah.
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