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Shabbat Parashat Vayikra 5784

Igrot Hare’aya – Letters of Rav Kook: Cooperation between Rabbis of the New Yishuv – #200

Date and Place:  20 Iyar 5669, Yafo


Recipient: Rav Todros Hakohen, the rabbi of Rosh Pina, one of the first moshavot.


Body: I received your dear letter. We should be thankful to Hashem that although we know the difficulties of the New Yishuv, we also know its value to the Nation of Israel and to the Holy Land, despite all the shortcomings. We can apply to it the pasuk, “His Land has atoned for His nation.” The Holy Land’s sanctity shall purify and elevate all of the holy nation’s souls, from small to great, to hasten the liberation (may it come speedily).

Let me get to the point. I have written, what I believe to be the true Torah perspective, that farmers must ask a personal question of a rabbi before ploughing during Shemitta. This is a necessary matter, according to the situation regarding the matter of the workers, which has become much more acute than in the past (ed. note – I do not know what this refers to). The entire nation must see that the rabbis of the Holy Land desire that the Holy Land be built under all conditions, whether it be by the farmers or their workers. As long as they will not plow without asking a rabbi, we hope that it will not need to come to this in practice.

(Ed. note – I skip a line I do not understand in context). I am very grateful to you for involving yourself in this holy matter (the Heter Mechira), as you are obligated to do. The honorable Baron (who was the major patron and landowner of Rosh Pina) signed himself on the printed letter of authorization I have, in addition to Mr. Frank. Nevertheless, I am very desirous that you take responsibility that all of the Galilee’s moshavot, including Zichron Yaakov, sign the form. May you be blessed for this!

You, my beloved, should know that the reason I want to have a connection with the moshavot of the Galilee has nothing to do with my honor, Heaven forbid. I am not one who desires honor. Rather, I very much desire that all of the moshavot and the whole New Yishuv should be connected in one bond. If we will all be connected, we will accomplish several good things, with Hashem’s help, both in the realm of raising, throughout the Yishuv, the stature of religion, in Torah and belief in Hashem, and regarding the material situation in our holy settlements, which is also related to sanctity for Hashem.

Heaven forbid that there be a lowering of the regard for settling our Holy Land, upon which Hashem sets His sights, just because some young people act corruptly. Even this corrupt behavior of the young is because of the confusion of the times, as no one succeeds in shining toward them the light of Torah and love of belief and the sanctity of Hashem’s Name. I am confident that eventually everything will return to a good state, and all will add to the sanctification of the Holy of Israel, with truth. “The redeemer shall come to Zion and to those from Jacob who return from sin” (Yeshayahu 59:20). It is specifically the rebels in the nation who will return and merit to be builders of the ruins of Hashem’s Nation and Holy Land. They will be those who are afraid to lose connection to Hashem and His goodness (see Hoshea 3:5).

That which you said about fences around the Torah is very true (i.e., to beware of too many stringencies). It is as Avot D’Rabbi Natan (1:5) says on the mishna that encourages fences. While fences are good, “It is better to have a fence of only 10 tefachim that stands than one of 100 amot that falls…” It is very necessary to be careful to show everyone that Torah scholars use the power of the Torah to build the holy Yishuv, not destroy it. This sanctifies Hashem’s Name regarding people’s outlook on the whole Torah. Fortunate is one who walks on Hashem’s path with wisdom. May Hashem help you put up fences that enable people to live according to His will without making the Land desolate (see Yeshayahu 58:12).    


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