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Shabbat Parashat Tzav 5784

Parashat Hashavua: Mikdash and Jewish State Go Together – part II

Harav Yosef Carmel

An independent Jewish entity is an inseparable part of the appearance of Hashem’s kingdom in the world, as Rav Kook taught us. We will try to demonstrate this idea by means of the structure of the perakim in Tanach (specifically, Melachim I).

Perakim 1-2 deal with who would sit on King David’s throne, which David called, “the seat of Hashem’s Kingdom over Israel” (Divrei Hayamim I, 28:5).

Perakim 3-5 discuss the building of King Shlomo’s kingdom, politically and socially. This includes diplomatic connections, the judicial system, the political “cabinet,” the division of the country into administrative regions, cultural connections with the scholars of the world, and economic connections with the nations.

Perakim 6-8 (except for 11 p’sukim in Perek 7, explained below) describe the Holy Temple’s construction and inauguration. This includes the Temple’s dimensions, its halls, attics, and roofs, and the Holy of Holies and hall, where most of the service took place. It details the vessels used in this service, whether the movable ones or those built into the structure, e.g., the altar and the pool. There also is discussion of the great party held in the month of Tishrei (apparently after 20 years of work). At the height of the celebration, the Holy Ark was finally brought into the Temple, followed by the prayers and blessings of King Shlomo.

Perakim 9-10 return to the building of the kingdom, physically, including many cities. It discusses diplomatic relations with even distant lands and Shlomo’s dominion over global commerce, which provided tremendous profits.

The order of the perakim is: political, spiritual, and again political. This illustrates the spiritual outlook that the State is intended to envelope the spiritual center. The nation needs to pour significance and deep values into the framework of the State; this transforms the Jewish Nation into a light unto the nations that teaches the world about a life of benevolence and justice. This shows us that one cannot separate between mundane and holy.

Let us return to the apparently misplaced p’sukim in Perek 7, describing the building of the governmental campus in King Shlomo’s Yerushalayim. The fact that it is brought in juxtaposition to the building of the Temple reinforces the idea that one cannot separate between the two matters. Seven years were dedicated to building the Temple and thirteen years to building the governmental buildings, especially the ministries of defense, foreign affairs, and justice. Finally, the whole nation was brought under the “shade of a tabernacle” that could contain everyone.

The interaction between the different parts of the glorious city of Yerushalayim is most beautifully described by the psalm we recite on Mondays (Tehillim 48). It praises the beauty of the City of Hashem, “the Great King.” The palaces and towers refer to both the Temple (the House of Hashem), as well as the other impressive edifices that served the human king, and thereby glorified the Divine King. This is how the “Sons of Korach” (the psalmists of Tehillim 48) saw the city’s greatness, as the government of the Jewish king represented Hashem in this world.

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