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Shabbat Parashat Tzav 5784

Igrot Hare’aya – Letters of Rav Kook: Religious Schools in Petach Tikva – #203

Date and Place: 27 Iyar 5669, Yafo


Recipient: Rav Yitzchak Isaac Halevi.


Body: I received your treasured letter about the religious school in Petach Tikva. I will tell you, great Torah scholar, that at this point, they have accepted enough teachers for all of the children, so that there will not be a loss of Torah study time for the dear children.

However, we are very sorry about the delay that has developed in regard to the impressive administration of the school, the expert and cultured, truly G-d-fearing man. This is the most important thing in our defensive war against those who want to cause destruction from “the right and the left.” He who creates healing should send quickly a full recovery to the dear Dr. Auerbach. May he no longer know suffering, and may he merit to return to his holy work at the first possible opportunity. Then he can supervise with the correct balance of spirit and make sure [the education of the children] will be elevated with the light of Torah and pure fear of Hashem, in the Holy Land.  


Good News about the Expansion of the Yishuv – #205


Date and Place: 17 Sivan 5669, Yafo


Recipient: Mr. Dov Lubman


Body: I want to express to your honor my deepest thanks for the enjoyment and happiness that you showered upon me by sending me the charter of the establishment of the organization, The Agricultural Assembly of the Moshavot of Judea.

I experienced many emotions of happiness, and hopes for a bright future were awoken in my heart, when I saw the serious guidelines that were set. They highlight nicely the plan of the organization and its robust spirit.

I view in what I have seen the “outstretched arm of Hashem” in a favorable manner for His nation and His lot, as I see in all of the steps [of development] of the honorable and holy Yishuv. It is the beginning of the reestablishment of our ruins and the return of a positive spirit for our captives, to return the days of old. My spirit is churning within me with the churnings of a warm and complete love. I want to hug with the arms of true friendship all of those who are gathering together with good counsel and bravery, to expand the boundaries of Israel and to elevate the stature of our Desired Land, along the lines of all the new elements of life that have begun to be revealed.

I wish that your dear organization will accept happily my feelings of blessing and prayers for your success. May your endeavors give very blessed fruit, for the benefit of our nation and our Land, for now and for generations to come. 

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