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Shabbat Parashat Shemini 5784

Igrot Hare’aya – Letters of Rav Kook: Stamping Out a Challenge to a Moshava Rabbi – #206

Date and Place: 18 Sivan 5669, Yafo 

Recipient: The council of Ekron (one of the earliest moshavot, now known as Mazkeret Batya).  

Body: I have heard a rumor, that a young man came to the moshava and disgraced the honorable rabbi, my dear friend, the great and honorable, Rav Yaakov Yosef [Dzimitrovsky] shlita, by rendering an official ruling without the rabbi’s permission. I also heard that there are people who are supporting him and calling him “the rabbi.”

I am therefore hereby making the following clear pronouncement to the honorable and beloved members of the council and all of the members of the moshava. You must warn this young man in a very stern manner, that he should immediately leave the moshava, so that he not be an ongoing source of any conflict and degradation of the honor of the rabbi of the community (the term used is mara d’atra, which means, literally, the authority of the place).

If, Heaven forbid, he does not heed this warning, it is the obligation of all to protect the honor of the rabbi in whatever way they can and not give opportunity for acts of such chutzpa to be done in the Holy Land. These actions can harm the peace of the dear and quiet moshavot, which we pray Hashem will help strengthen. I hope that all of the people who, without realizing the problem, gave support to this young man, will also listen to my words, with the fear of G-d that is in their hearts, and immediately extricate themselves from connection to him. Heaven forbid, they must not ask this young man any more questions that require rulings. It is forbidden to follow his rulings, even if he rules stringently on that which the rabbi of the moshava ruled leniently.

I hope that this young man will on his own accord realize what he has done, and that he will repent a full repentance and appease the honorable rabbi. Then, when he leaves the moshava, he can still have a connection to it, when he will embark on a good path and not be among those who “kick” [at authority], Heaven forbid.

If the young man will not listen and will not leave the moshava immediately after receiving the warning, within two days, it shall be strictly forbidden for anyone in the moshava to host him in his home or give him any form of support. This would be strengthening the standing of those who violate commandments and promote conflict. Those who listen shall be blessed with all good things.

I am hereby signing with great love and with the blessing of peace for the nation of Hashem and its Land, as one who speaks out for the honor of the holy Torah and the holy Land.

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