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Shabbat Parashat Tazria 5784

Igrot Hare’aya – Letters of Rav Kook: Update to a Brother– #208 – part I

Date and Place: 19 Tamuz 5669, Rechovot 

Recipient: Rav Dov Ber Hakohen Kook, Rav Kook’s brother. He would later be the first rabbi of Afula and start the Harry Fischel Institute, but at this point he was still in Eastern Europe. 

Body: [The letter begins with Rav Kook’s request of forgiveness for not writing as much as he wanted to. Rav Kook blamed it on, in addition to being busy, a lack of order, which could have allowed him to find the time for such a worthwhile activity as writing to his brother.]

I am writing this letter in Rechovot, where my family and I came yesterday, as is our custom during the harvest time of grapes. How can I describe it to you, dear brother, the grandeur of the Desired Land? It is increasingly being revealed in its beauty and glory in every place that the New Yishuv is flourishing and progressing. It is because Hashem’s Hand is outstretched toward His nation, to open the opening of hope and beams of light of salvation in the land of His lot, His place of grandeur and strength. 

Who will remove the waves of dirt from on top of the sealed hearts, of those who are sleeping in the lands of the soil of the decrepit exile? They should break away from it, with all its spells, together with its insults and murders, and come to the Land of Life, to be chosen, one at a time, to be built up in the Land of Life, to fulfill the word of Hashem in the hope of generation after generation.

We are thankful to Hashem to have found changes for the good in the moshava of Rechovot, compared to last year. They have started having a machine bring the water into the moshava, like in the big cities of Europe. The water is clear and tasty. It goes up even to upper floors and even are used for the row of eucalyptus trees, which adorn the streets of the moshava on both sides. Blessed is Hashem who returns the boundary of the widow (Eretz Yisrael). What can I tell you about the air, how pure and pleasant it is; it is truly the life of souls! The sea breeze passes through the Sharon region, through the orange orchards and the many almond groves and desirable grapevines. And then it rolls along to the Judean Mountains, which adorn us whenever we look in their direction. Whenever we stand in the place that Hashem blessed, there are beams of pleasant light, which show us the tidings of salvation and consolation for those who mourn for Zion and Jerusalem and gives strength to the nation. This breeze – who can evaluate its delightfulness, which lifts us to the high places of the pride of Hashem!

… I have begun to publish a compendium on the Laws of Shemitta, called “Shabbat Ha’aretz.” It models the Shulchan Aruch, but it is written around the Rambam and contains many annotations. I hope to send you every edition when I receive its proofs. I wanted to broaden it with a long and clear commentary, but my preoccupations have not allowed it. I hope to adorn it with a preface and addendums as possible.

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