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Shabbat Parashat Bechukotai 5784

Igrot Hare’aya – Letters of Rav Kook: Trying to Arrange Purchase of Land in Eretz Yisrael – #222

Date and Place: 2 Elul 5669 (1909), Rechovot

Recipient: The Association for the Purchase of Land in Eretz Yisrael, Bialystok


Body: I received your respected letter from this past 15 Menachem Av, written by the secretary of your temporary council. It is my honor to answer your important questions, based on the information that I was able to receive.  

Indeed, there is a large swath of land for sale on the eastern side of the Jordan Valley (i.e., in what is today Jordan). The land is approximately five hours away (presumably, by donkey) from Jericho; Jericho is, of course, on the western side of the Jordan. Since I am now staying in the Moshava of Rechovot, soon after I received your letter, I called for one of our brethren who has been living in Jericho for several years, and is a big expert on this whole matter. I am answering based on his word, according to the order of your questions.

1. The present price for the land is 5 francs per dunam (1000 sq. meters, approximately, a quarter of an acre). This is a very cheap price according to the situation in real estate of Eretz Yisrael these days. It is worthwhile to be very diligent about this matter, with Hashem’s help, so that others (i.e., non-Jews) should not beat us to it, as has sadly happened several times in the past concerning worthwhile potential purchases.

2. The main plot of land is 200,000 dunams. However, it is owned by two different Ottoman owners, each having 100,000 dunams, so that it is possible to buy one of the sections. In the surroundings of this large plot, there are also smaller plots of land, which may be available, but it is not worthwhile to start with the smaller ones now.

3. The number of families who can live on this land is approximately 700, with approximately 300 dunams for each one. According to the characteristics of the fertile land of the other side of the Jordan, this amount of land should suffice [to make a living off the land].

4. The land is excellent, flat land. It is fit for sowing and planting trees. It does not have any rocky terrain. Just on the edges of the plot there are mountains of stone. One can excavate stones from them for building, when Hashem, in His great kindness, shall help us get to that point.

5. It is only about three hours travel from the Damascus railroad. It is 10-12 hours from Jerusalem. Close to the land’s periphery there are big Arab cities, with big populations; the neighbors are quiet people.

6. The owners are two Ottoman men, one of Arab nationality and one French, and their rights in the land are officially recognized. When the matter draws closer to fruition, we can have a lawyer who is an expert in Ottoman law clarify everything.

7. The land has abundant water, with springs and streams. It is also very easy to dig wells to underground streams.

It would be wonderful to be brave and diligent and try to attain this pleasant plot as part of the homeland of the Jewish People. In our great iniquity, there has been significant laxness concerning the major opportunities to redeem land, at this time, when Hashem’s voice powerfully calls to us through the occurrences, to move to Eretz Yisrael and settle the Desired Land. Since all sorts of people are turning to it, the prices rise, and non-Jews settle and buy land. Hurry, beloved brothers, to whom Hashem granted the spark of His light and the love of His Land. Try to bring your good thoughts from the potential to the actual. May this be a good start, and may many learn from you to cling to the Land, with Hashem’s help, in a successful manner and with His blessing.

You should know that this plot, for political reasons of the recent past, is exempt from major taxation; one only has to pay the government a small fee.

I found all of this proper to inform you, distinguished people. When your representative or your written message will come, when it is closer to full action, we will start to act; may Hashem give success to our path.

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