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The Rav Yisraeli zt”l Prize for a Torah Work will be allocated, in the Year 5768, for compositions on the subject of Torah & State, with an emphasis on: Law, Army, Modern Medical, Modern Economic and Educating our Youth in our Times.

The prizes will be awarded in three areas: a book (one prize), an essay (three prizes), and one prize to encourage authors under twenty-three years old.
Preference will be given to halachic compositions dealing with a subject from the Torah perspective of Rav Shaul Yisraeli, zt”l.
The winning essays will be chosen under the recommendations of the panel of judges.
The essays should be sent in triplicate to the offices of Eretz Hemdah,
5 Mem Gimel Street, P.O. Box 36236, Jerusalem, zip code 91360, until 27 Nissan, 5768 (May 2, 2008).
Additional details may be obtained from: Eretz Hemdah Institute,
telephone: +972-2-537-1485, fax: +972-2-537-9626;
Email: yafa@eretzhemdah.org

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