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Shabbat Parashat Lech Lecha 5784

Igrot Hare’aya – Letters of Rav Kook: Report on Relations with New Turkish Government – #174

Date and Place: 5 Kislev 5669, Yafo 

Recipient: Rav Kook’s uncle, R. Yehuda Leib Felman 

Body: I rejoiced upon receiving the signed letter that you gave to me (Rav Kook used a play on words with a complex halachic concept), in which you informed us about your satisfactory state and in which you inquired about our welfare. Thank G-d, His kindness continues to grow as He enables us to live in our Coveted Land, which Hashem established to always be holy before Him, above all other lands, from the beginning of time and for eternity.

There is nothing to fear from the news regarding the government, in whose hands Hashem entrusted our Holy Land until it will return (may it happen soon) to its true owners, the offspring of His servants. (The Young Turks movement had taken over the Ottoman Empire, replacing the Sultan with a civilian council.) To the contrary, we see that the Hand of Hashem, which was involved in the matter, acted [as usual] for the good, to cause the “horn of salvation” to flourish.

The draft notices [that they send to Jewish men] can be redeemed by paying 50 Turkish liras, which is worth approximately 400 rubles. Also, any Torah scholar is exempt according to government law. It is even possible that, with Hashem’s help, it will be possible to arrange kosher food for our Jewish brethren (presumably for those in the Turkish army in Eretz Yisrael) and that they will be given vacation on Shabbat and holidays.

In the other direction (i.e., what can be gained by engaging the new Turkish government), Jews (unclear if this is only those who serve in the army, or in general) will be able to be promoted to all the various levels of the government, even the highest ones. They actually like to have those who believe in Hashem and in our holy Torah [working for them], and respect for the Torah is important to them. In short, there is absolutely nothing to worry about from the change in the government.

Fortunate is he who is blessed with riches and property and settles in the Holy Land. (Rav Kook was certainly not speaking about himself, as he was not rich. Perhaps, Rav Kook’s uncle, about whom I did not succeed to find information, was well-off and might have been considering or was open to moving to Eretz Yisrael). If he does so, he will be able to see a wonderful spiritual life during his physical life, enjoying the aura of the pleasantness of its sanctity and the beauty of its desirable air, which is pleasant and pure. From the small amount of revealed special qualities, one can peek from between the cracks at the hidden treasures that Hashem [has stored in Eretz Yisrael], in the grandeur of the aura of its glory, honor, and splendor. May Hashem make the Land secure very very quickly, with great goodness for the House of Israel.

I also would like to request of you to bring us joy on a regular basis with your dear letters, letting us know about your good life and the peace that you and all of your offspring, from near and far, shall enjoy. May Hashem bless them all with His bountiful blessing and goodness. May you receive herein the prayer of peace and blessing from the eager spirit of your nephew, who loves you with all my heart and soul. We look forward to Hashem’s salvation for His nation in the Land of our Heritage, quickly in our days.  

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